![]() 12/06/2018 at 09:37 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Silver on silver so that it easily identified in an emergency
The town I work in has two of these silver cars. The used to have blue ones with silver lettering, but that looked too much like a police car I guess
![]() 12/06/2018 at 09:44 |
This is “compliance”? Sneaky MFers
![]() 12/06/2018 at 09:49 |
Yeah, I hate these stealth markings, fundamentally, except in very specialized circumstances, I think it’s important for the police to be highly-visible. Make them all use Battenburg markings or something.
At least it isn’t one of the black on black ones, feels like departments buy those just because officers want to feel like badasses.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 09:49 |
Our state troopers cruise around in trucks with similar marking.
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Being silver W bodies doesn’t help either. Most non discript car ever
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In NJ they do this so they can issue moving violation tickets in what is essentially an unmarked car. It’s complete garbage and should be challenged.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 09:55 |
Those were taken off the street in Québec, because they cause accidents and deaths on top of being ineffective
at their jobs.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:00 |
Wow that’s just awful. State patrol in Wi is with brown with a yellow stripe. It leave an impression
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:02 |
Austin has those stealth cruisers too. Mostly they troll the interstates and pull people over.
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But speed kills no quotas all about safety etc
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:11 |
Yup. They mostly use these to catch unsuspecting tourists coming out of town doing 65 in the bit of 45 limited highway before you leave.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:16 |
They’re blue/white in my area:
Columbi a County Sheriff:
We have some “unmarked” vehicles, but mostly you can tell they’re cops at a glance.
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Why though?
Because you wouldn’t have made the violation if you would have seen a clearly marked Police vehicle?
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At least he’s stuck in a POS Impala
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I haven’t gotten a ticket in over two decades. It’s not even about me. Police are there to help, they should be visible the public unless they are under cover. They shouldn’t be out for a money grab, that’s what our taxes are for.
The marking is clearly designed to skirt the law (ironically).
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:32 |
We’ve got a couple of these, only they’re black Caprices with black steelies and bull bars, and black satin lettering. Sneaky, but so cool I almost don’t care.
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I suggest getting some orange marking paint and emphasizing the POLICE lettering on the side.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:36 |
Those are not police cruisers so much as they are Revenue Generators.
Loving the subtle paramilitary vibe of the second image. Graphics package for a standard cruiser, not a SWAT team.
Aaaaaand KI NJA !
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![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:44 |
Because they law says that only marked cruisers can issues moving violations.
Or at least that’s what the internet says. Either way a police car should be painted in such a way that you can spot it a miles away, with it without lights shining on it
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:46 |
At least it had a push Bar. They don’t even do that one these. I guess they figure being a town cop the probably won’t need it, least the county guys handle the anything that might require one.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 10:57 |
Fuck the police.
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I mean that’s a bit harsh. 8 years ago I would agree tho.
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I haven’t been in trouble for a long time. But I have been handcuffed then kicked in the face and finally pepper sprayed by two cops for a traffic violation and the crime of getting lippy with a cop and not putting out a cigarette when being told to do so. I was also charged with resisting arrest with violence after that incident. So, for running a red light I ended up with a broken nose, a trip to the hospital (which I had to pay for), broken glasses (which I had to pay for) and a charge of resisting arrest. All charges were dismissed and the cops were disciplined for their actions. My record still shows that I was arrested and charged, however. That’s a fun one to explain at a job interview.
Fuck the police. Every single last one of them.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 11:26 |
Yeah the only time I’ve ended up in cuffs was 99% for being a smart ass. I got pulled over for an unpaid ticket. I had ran a flashing red, same cop pulled me over 3 months later because I forgot to pay for it.
I got angry, go smart and got cuffed. No violence tho. Thankfully i had the awareness to lock my car when I got out of it so they couldn’t search it.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 11:51 |
I loath this trend. One of the towns I drive through deployed a fleet of black E xplorers with flat black lettering last year. It’s such an obvious cash grab, that it infuriates me. Mark your stupid cars, you’re here to serve and protect. And I say this as a guy who has received two traffic tickets in 21 years of driving, and has never had a point on my license . I love that the police in my town have prioritized actually serving and fighting crime. I rarely see a cop in my town with somebody pulled over. You really have to screw up to get a ticket in my town. This makes me happy, because my taxes are being used to actually protect my community.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 11:58 |
Ice Cube?!
That you?!
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He wasn’t wrong.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 12:01 |
If that is a real law, then yes, they should get challenged and dropped. If it’s just another internet law and not actual law, then it doesn’t matter to me.
If I was pulled over I was doing something wrong, so to me whether it’s a marked or unmarked car doesn’t matter.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 12:05 |
Like I said to HFV: If that is a real law, then yes, they should get challenged and dropped. If it’s just another internet law and not actual law, then it doesn’t matter to me, you were breaking the law and got busted for it, period.
Chances are the people who get pulled by unmarked cars would not have gotten pulled had it been a marked car, as they would have seen it sooner and stopped their behavior. To me they should be pulled, they’re breaking the law. Following the law means following the law, it doesn’t mean following the law only when a cop is in view.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 12:14 |
It’s an actual law:
First line: “An unmarked vehicle shall not be used by the State Police or a county or municipal police department for the routine stopping or apprehension of motorists for violations of the motor vehicle laws.”***
To your second point, that’s fine. But I don’t agree with a cop, who’s job is to uphold the law, is skirting the law. It is also more dangerous for civilians. There have been many instances where people have pulled people in ‘unmarked cars’ pretending to be cops. It is a reckless money grab.
***doing a deeper dive it may have been reversed since then because NJ is a full of government pick pocketers
![]() 12/06/2018 at 12:15 |
That kind of altruistic logic has no plan on the interwebs.
also i think only kind of using that right, but I like it so I’m keeping it.
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bend it, but don’ t break it. right?
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It might be state law in some parts of the country, but it’s definitely not a federal law. I live in Virginia and I see cars pulled over nearly every single day by unmarked state troopers. If this was against federal
there’s no way it would still be happening in our litigious society,
because it’s been going on as long as I
have been driving.
Oh, and it’s not just poorly
disguised Chevy Caprices and Dodge Chargers
with steel wheels and
obvious antennas all over them either. I have seen m
ini v
ans, Tahoes, Suburbans, a Mustang, Camaro, GTO,
ickup t
rucks... all sorts of cars.
They d
on’t mess around here.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 12:36 |
We have pickups, minivans, tahoes, etc around here too. They’re usually used for drug units though.
![]() 12/06/2018 at 13:04 |
I personally know someone who has been pulled over buy an “unmarked officer”, som e younger guy in a beat Cavilier, no identification or anything, asked to see license and registration, no idea what he was fishing for. It was a brother-in-law’s ex-GF, they broke up shortly after so I’m not sure if anything came of it. Traffic stops with unmarked cars should be illegal everywhere.
![]() 12/07/2018 at 00:26 |
Revenge is a dish best served cold, right?
![]() 12/07/2018 at 00:28 |
To serve and protect who, that’s the question. I think a lot of traffic enforcement is a make work project - serve and protect those pensions.
My town is the same, no obscenely bad enforcement, although I suspect there’s a huge socio-economic component to it.
![]() 12/07/2018 at 07:22 |
They also have to pay for all that cool new gear.
My town has a wide array of socio-economic backgrounds. The part of town I live in, is downright fantastic. There are other parts of town that are very poor, and infested with gangs.
![]() 12/07/2018 at 07:32 |
I don’t want revenge. I was urged by other officers who showed up to file ch ar ges against the two who kicked my cuffed ass. I decided against it. This was years ago and I was a different person. The whole incident changed the way I behave. It did not change the way I feel about the police. Protect and serve?
![]() 12/07/2018 at 08:31 |
Virginia definitely has the biggest dickhead cops for sure. Power tripping high school football washouts.
![]() 12/07/2018 at 11:24 |
Hey, paramilitary gear for small town police forces is normal, right? That’s how the rest of the developed world does it, no doubt.
I sometimes wonder, given an identical infraction, which resident is more likely to get a ticket.
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I think we both know the answer to that.
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I don’t mean violent revenge, of course, but in this information age, things are possible without stepping foot outside the house.
Even if they had been punished, it would have been in effect a paid vacation with no professional or financial recourse, no doubt. It’s funny how the anti-union choads won’t cross the thin blue line in that regard. They protect and serve - in many areas, what and who is protected and served is the question
![]() 12/07/2018 at 13:47 |
Were I still young and full of piss and vinegar as opposed to old and tired I might decide it was worth it. As it stands, I don’t have the inclination or the energy. Their point was well made. Shut up, do as you are told when you are told no matter how ridiculous, and you will be allowed to take your ticket like a good little citizen. I told them to either write the ticket or shoot me, but I didn’t have all night to sit around and wait. 5 cop cars later I was well and truly aware of what kind of pathetic turds my fair city employs. I don’t know if you’ve ever been pepper sprayed, but it gets the point across. I have the pics of my face the following day and it’s not a good look. My eyes look like two red marbles surrounded by purple bruises.
My father was almost shot in his backyard for after the SWAT team was called because an neighbor reported he was discharging a handgun . He was shooting squirrels with a paintball gun. His yard has an 8 foot wooden fence around it on all sides. The cops never called the house, or tried to figure out what was going on. Instead they snuck around behind him and my mother and told them to drop the weapon and nobody would get shot . These are white people in their 70's living in a house that is worth about a million bucks . The paintball gun was bright fucking orange.
The police, as a whole, can get fucked.
![]() 12/07/2018 at 15:17 |
I’m old as well, and full of piss and vinegar. He who laughs last, a dish best served cold, and all that. You have those guys’ names who abused you in the past, right? You aren’t completely without options. It does take work though, and I understand the investment might not be worth the return. People need to realize the real background of “serve and protect” - those actions are indeed taking place, but not to benefit all.
My only run-ins with the brave warrior class has been for traffic issues, usually when I was not driving. I’ve ran into cool ones, and I’ve ran into assholes. The problem is the cool ones (and their cowardly untouchable union on the taxpayer dime) protect the assholes, and are thereby complicit.
At least these days, everything they do can be (and should be) on camera. Everything. From a hostage situation to a routine traffic stop. Every action should be documented. When they have the power to kill or maim and then walk away, there needs to be public record. I can’t say fuck them all, but I can say fuck quite a few.